Saturday, April 3, 2010

Internet Television is the Future for Christian Ministries

Media technology is changing rapidly and searching for TV and radio time for Christian programming is no longer the only choice or even the best choice. Church services, pastoral messages, Christian news programming, entertainment, films and evangelism can be presented to the public on a global scale as never before with live streaming technology. What is it all about?

First it is a chance to carry out the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20. This motive alone is what makes internet TV the most desirable media platform on the planet at this time. This is the media for those who still believe the message of the gospel is the miracle for a troubled and needy world.

Over one billion people worldwide have internet access and 845 million people a day use the internet regularly. By 2010 over 413 million households will be using high speed broadband or similar connections. The real clincher is that the lines between internet and TV are disappearing rapidly. Now anything that can be brought up on the computer can be played on the TV. New technology will be combining all media into single access point. Radio, TV, films, commerce, reference and everything else will be at a single station.

Not just America and Western Europe are experiencing a run toward interactive media through a single source. Third world nations are getting onboard the high speed internet train and Latin America has seen a 70 percent growth since 2004. Africa is seeing a 400 percent increase in broadband use. It is a worldwide phenomenon with implications for the Christian message that cannot be ignored. It may actually be the capstone for the fulfillment of Christ’s declaration in Matthew 24:14 of a time when the gospel would be preached in every nook and cranny on the globe.

Devin Stewart the president of the leading provider of technology and equipment for multipurpose media production facilitation has given so much information that barely an outline is all there is room for here. But what an intriguing outline it is

The potential of live streaming the gospel message is accentuated by the growing list of LifeStream TV’s ministries that are already onboard. Dr. Myles Munroe, Christian TV Network, The Church Channel, Joyce Meyer, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Mark Barclay, Pastor John K. Jenkins, Billy Joe Daugherty and TBN are just a few of the visionary ministries that are using Internet Television.

“Our goal at is too make it easy and affordable for Pastors and ministries to expand their voice to the masses. The world of television has become a level playing field and even small ministries with limited budgets can also reach their local city, state, country or the entire world through the omni-reach of the internet” says Stewart of”

The essence of is simply to get the message out. It not only allows ministries to broadcast worldwide 24/7 but helps the ministries to manage, develop and archive video events, live events, church services, evangelistic services, teaching, instructional material and above all it is totally interactive. Even past services or events can be “re-purposed” according to Stewart and used to reach millions globally.

The question on everyone’s mind is how much does all this cost? It varies according to your needs and your vision but the good news is this; it is only a fraction of the cost of regular TV and radio time and production. The advantages of interactive media are not mere perks used to convince clients, they are in fact; what makes the difference that TV and radio will never be able to offer now or in the future.

For starters there is no need to write down web addresses or make phone calls. Communication, responses, feedback, ordering products, making donations and more are available right where the presentation is being streamed to the internet, cell phone and ever more TVs with multimedia platforms. The “all in one platform” is gaining in popularity and after the switch to total digital in 2009 it is expected to skyrocket. The high speed or broadband market is growing at about 30 percent a year. Put simply it’s a message and means situation; if you’ve got the message internet television technology has got the means.

Internet Television is expected to cause deep shifts in the broadcast industry. Viewers will be able to watch streaming videos from their internet ready TVs without having to log on to laptops and desktops. Both cable and satellite networks will carry streaming channels so they can add to their offerings. The cost of producing and showing content will be driven down. The variety of specialized content will increase exponentially. People with visions of the gospel being preached worldwide will meet with people who have a vision of these technological changes and the world will be changed.

Another great advantage of the Internet Television platform is that viewers are not constrained by their own schedules. Events and services can be seen at anytime and viewers won’t need to miss a thing. If they can’t get back to the TV that’s OK too because they can watch at any time they choose. Internet Television content can be viewed on laptop, PDA, desktop, cell phone and the TV.

Internet Television will change forever the meaning of the word “evangelism.” Internet evangelism is virtually geographically unlimited. Content can be seen in every country in the world. Broadband Internet Television reaches every part of the globe simultaneously bypassing borders, government broadcasting restrictions and ethnic barriers. The simplest website with stat reports can draw counter hits from every corner of the globe which is proof plenty of live Internet Television’s unlimited potential for ministries that get onboard now.

Even on the local level ministries can be enhanced and made far more effective because now they can reach adherents in a much broader way. Shut-ins and people forced to stay home during illnesses can still receive the best of their chosen ministries. Those who travel for a living or are on vacation can stay abreast of their church services and ministries. Bad weather, transportation problems and any unforeseen eventuation will not keep anyone from enjoying the activities and messages from their chosen ministries.

Interactive content and videos have a far greater appeal than simple TV viewing. It may be both the deepest and the most radical change in reaching the lost for Christ the world will ever see. Instead of ruing the changes that are sweeping our world we can be thankful for one change that may help to usher in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is more than a technology it is technology that is connected to a promise.

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