Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eliminate Communication

If you are used to using WiFi service as your mobile Internet connection, then you are probably all too familiar with a number of communication problems commonly associated with this type of technology, such as password protected networks and technical difficulties like weak signals. You may not realize it, but WiFi is not the only wireless option you have when it comes to getting online on the go. In fact, it is not even the best option. With the introduction of new high speed mobile 4G technology, WiFi networks are rapidly becoming outdated, at least in terms of public use (some people may continue to use them as somewhat mobile extensions of their home or office DSL or cable wired broadband service).

Here are some ways in which 4G Internet can help you eliminate many of the communication problems you may be used to dealing with.

1. It is a network that was created with mobility and high speed connections playing equal roles. WiFi, for example, is a service that is primarily about the Internet connection, and mobility is sort of a second thought. 3G networks us mobile technology but the focus is more on the mobility than the actual Internet connection. In terms of connection speed, 3G networks tend to be inconsistent. 4G technology combines the positive aspects of both WiFi and 3G services, while for the most part getting rid of their drawbacks.

2. It offers more extensive coverage areas than have ever been seen before. Other wireless Internet and mobile phone networks are a bit infamous for having holes in their coverage areas. Whether it is a particular building or an entire neighborhood, many people have come expect to encounter areas where service is simply impossible to get. 4G networks, on the other hand, come with coverage areas that blanket areas as large as an entire city, making for uninterrupted signals no matter where you go within the city limits. Sometimes these coverage areas even extend beyond the city limits into the surrounding suburbs and rural areas.

3. It comes with connection speeds that are worthy of the term "broadband." Even the busiest people with the least amount of time on their hands will appreciate the high speeds of this new wireless service. When you sign up for this service, you can expect speeds that are not only faster than any other wireless service in existence, but that can also compete with the fastest speeds provided by wired broadband services like DSL and cable.

4. It is user friendly and easy to get started. Unlike other high speed services, 4G Internet does not require much in the way of equipment and installation. If you are going to be using a new smart phone, all you will have to do after signing up for a subscription is turn your phone on. If you are going to use a laptop, all you need is a portable modem the size of a memory stick that fits easily into your computer's USB port.

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